

Field Safety Protocol (DRAFT v1, Griffin-Nolan, 2021, developed at Syracuse University): [Word] [PDF]

Environmental sensors

HOW TO: Environmental sensors (Fridley Lab, 2021)

Environmental microcontroller units:

   Version A (including aerial light and temp/RH sensors), by J. Stark & M. Htet (2019)

         - Bill of materials ($30)

         - Arduino code on GitHub and sensor data display R code

   Version B (v3) (all components belowground), by J. Stark (rev 2021)

         - Bill of materials ($20)

          - Arduino code on GitHub and sensor data display R code

    Soil moisture (resistance) probes: calibration by J. Stark (2021)

   Version C: Silver Bullet light sensors (with temp, RH, pressure)

Leaf function

Leaf-level photosynthesis, by J.M. Heberling (2013).

    - light response curves: R code and sample data

    - CO2 response curves: R code and sample data

Leaf construction cost, by J.M. Heberling (2011, revised 2017).

Epidermal microscopy (e.g., stomatal size, density), by A. Craddock and J. Fridley (2008).

Leaf lifespan via cohort sampling, by J. Fridley and J. Hamilton (2024).

Closed-chamber tissue respiration (particularly via the LI-850), by J. Martineau (2024).

Aboveground growth phenology

Spring foliar budbreak phenology, by J. Fridley and A. Craddock (2013).

Leaf chlorophyll monitoring, by J. Chieppa (2012).

Chemical analysis

Tissue griding via the large Wiley Mill, by J. Hamilton (2023).

C and N content: NC2100 autoanalyzer protocol, by A. Fox (2016), revised K. Martinez (2017).

Ash concentration in biomass, by E. Hinman and M. Ritchie (2017).

Chlorophyll a/b extractions, by K. Martinez (2017). 

     - Porra et al. 1989 reference [PDF]

Nonstructural carbohydrates (starch and sugars) in woody tissues, by Elise Hinman (2017).

Plant propagation

Softwood cuttings protocol, by A. Ebert (2018).